P. Giraud et al., Nanotechnology, 29, 7, 2018

S. Goswami et al., Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2, 1700137, 2018

1D-NEON project was featured in an article in the Technology section of Portugal Téxtil which is a portal for information related to Textile Industry innovations.
The article features an interview with João Gomes and Nelson Durães from partner CeNTI.
The original article is in portuguese but for the English translation just click the Read More button.

E. Carlos et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9 (46), 40428–40437, 2017

1D-Neon partner Bioage realized the integration of a supercapacitor on fibre onto a textile circuit capable of lighting a LED for minutes, demonstrating yet another step towards smart functional textiles as envisioned by 1D-NEON.
Video can be accessed here:

T. Carey et al., Nature Communication, 8, 1202, 2017

Sangyeon Pak et al., Nano Letters, 17, 5634, 2017

S. Marouf et al., Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis, 127, 299, 2017

Juwon Lee, et al. , Advanced Materials, 29, 1702206, 2017